In response to an article on Comment Is Free,
I posted this at 13 Oct 09, 9:36am:
Bidisha may not see a conspiracy here, but I do. My theory is that Bidisha is in the pay of teh menz, charged with spouting this kind of thing not with the aim of furthering feminism, but destroying it. By pissing off the vast majority of women who would describe themselves as feminists, such that we give up and leave the gender theory field to the outlying wackos.
I think she sits in a hollowed-out volcano, waited on by slaves who stoke the fire with with copies of the Female Eunuch, snickering away as yet another thread degenerates into statements like "(by which I mean feminists, not women in general)" seeming completely reasonable (sorry for picking you out YaBasta, but this is just an example) when what is actually true is "certain feminists, not feminists in general".
Plus, at least the Guerrilla Girls are funny.
"I've spent the last six weeks making documentaries that involved interviewing several prominent male artists."
Did you have to? Even you couldn't find a female artist to interview?
Truly, part of the problem not part of the solution...
Truly, part of the problem not part of the solution...
I then posted a follow-up
The really f-ing annoying thing is that I largely agree with your thesis, it's just...
seconding AllyF - hyperbole.
moving from "continuing (although lessening) inequalities in representation in certain fields due to the continuation of some assumptions about gender roles and abilities" to an "anti-woman society"? Too far. Way too far...
The first comment has been moderated. It received a flattering amount of support, and most of those posts referring to it have also gone. I have queried why the comment was removed, and await a response. Just wanted it to be up somewhere...